Sunday, April 6, 2008

[Pg 3 & 4]
Page 3 analysis

The final page shows the chord/ harmonic analysis.

The use of the change in time signature was rather smooth-flowing and not abrupt.



I divided this piece into three sections, A, B and C, where all three sections do not have overlapping themes or similar melodic lines, however, i realised that the use of chords in this piece is rather limited.

Although in stylistic manner, the composer was trying to emulate Bach's writing (abit similar to fugal writing, in the simplest of form), however, it was limiting the harmonic progression to basic chords like i, iv, V, and the occasional use of VI, III and ii (dim) chords, it does not explore the "realms" of modulation and sticking to the standard chords used in most pop songs.

There are alot of use of repetitions (chord progression, melodic material) but on the overall feel, i thought that the song worked in the context that it was written for, not in the baroque/ Classical era, but to suit a movie theme.

And what i thought is noteworthy is that, upon closer scrutiny of Jay Chou's music (although this piece is not directly written by him, i think, but it looks like it is inspired or probably written for him - this of which is a speculation on my part...), i realised that he uses alot of walking bass/ descending bass line by steps.

We discovered this in NAFA when a friend and i was jamming in the studio, and we figured out most of the chords quite easily due to this predictable factor and nature of Jay Chou's music, and although it works pretty well for his songs, i feel that there can be more explicit use of other chords to make his songs even more interesting and nicer=) hehe just my own two cents worth...

[Pg 2]

This page will show the melodic and bass line analysis.

Chord Analysis

[pg 2]

I analysed the chords here in Pop Song style, as in using letter names (like in guitar tabs) because the same chords were used, and only the bass note changes. So by using this form of notation, we can see the descending bass line (walking bass) much clearer.

From the analysis, i realise that, in the development section, only chords I and V are used, with the variation formed in the use of arpeggios and broken chords to embellish the monotony of the harmonic progression.

Compound Melody
[Pg 1 - Continued]

=) The upper voice in the R.H.

The phrase structure for this section of the piece was not very definitive, as in four-bars or eight bars structure, but in this section, when the phrase almost seems to end [e.g. in bar 8], it moves on again in the 2nd beat to another phrase joined by a quaver in between the G and the B note.

The flow of this piece is almost continuous with short or no breaks [as in referring to musical space/ silence/ rest] in between sections.


[Page 1]

[The Lower voice in the R.H.]

In reply to Dr. Chong's comment about the compound melody, i am uploading the first page which we went through during one of the tutorials=)